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Alice Carpenter
Contemporary Works on Paper

Alice Carpenter's inky, rich monotypes have a visual depth and pictorial strength that belie size. Her unique technique and handling of her media evoke an invitation into scenes that combine memory and presence. The tactile physical presence of her monotypes have affinities with some of the early drawings and etchings of the contemporary master Brice Marden. 

Along with showing in many regional venues, recent national recognition includes selection into the Butler Institute of American Art Midyear National Juried Exhibition (2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021). In 2021, Carpenter won the "Director's Award" in that juried exhibition.  Her art has also been exhibited in the Monotype Guild of New England Nation Juried Exhibition (2018).

Keny Galleries 2022                                 300 East Beck Street, Columbus, Ohio                                 614-464-1228

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